Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Daisy's Very Bad, Awful week

As promised the story of our farm dog, Daisy's terrible week.
The week started with Daisy coming home from one of her adventures out to the pasture reeking of skunk. No one would pet the poor thing, and we told her how bad she smelled any time she was in the vicinity.  The real problems started two nights later......
"Honey, get the flashlight!" my husband yelled at 2:00 a.m.  Yes, that's right two in the stinkin' morning. "Daisy's got a porcupine!"
Thinking Brian was sleepwalking to check on why the dogs were pitching a fit in the middle of the night, I got him the flashlight as he was throwing on his boots (with his sleep shorts-very cute) and digging out the clip for the rifle.   "Now what did you say it was?"  I questioned.
"I'm pretty sure she's got a porcupine; she's got quills stuck in her nose.  Now bring the light out and shine it on the him while I shoot."
Oh, brother....what a circus we must have been.  Keep in mind we are in our pajamas, it's two in the morning, our dogs are going bananas, and I'm trying to keep the flashlight on the critter while keeping the dogs out of the line of fire.  Brian got one shot off which seemed to anger it so it turned it's back to us, and being the weenie I am, I hopped behind Brian shining the flashlight over his shoulder while he got in a second deadly shot.  Sure enough it was a porcupine.  What in tarnation it was doing here on top of a treeless, waterless hill in western Kansas I'll never know, but we were left picking quills out of Daisy's nose.
While you would think that Daisy's curiosity would be quelled, it wasn't.  At eight months pregnant, I was showering hoping to turn in early as soon as our niece, nephew, and my brother-in-law headed back to town.  Midway through my shower I heard all kinds of barking, shouting, and other ruckus so I quickly finished.  I got out to the living room to find my husband and brother-in-law holding a shovel and discussing whether any of the dogs had gotten bit.  We went on a search and found Daisy huddled under the wheat truck behaving very oddly.  Realizing she'd been bit, we raced inside, called the vet out of his son's football game, and loaded her up in the back of the vehicle with Brian holding her.  By the time we made it to town, her paw was swollen to three times it's normal size, and after looking at her, the vet wasn't very hopeful.  He didn't carry anti-venom so he gave her fluids, steroids, and some antibiotics, and told us not to expect much.  So much for getting to bed early....I spent the night worrying about the dog.  The next morning we called in and found that she had made it, but was still very weak and would need to spend more time there.  After three nights at the vet's, she was strong enough to come home.   After that experience, she has learned that there are just some places you just don't stick your nose!

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