You know that cow I was watching in an earlier post?....her saga continues.
Yesterday, my husband called to get information on when the egg donor cow and the embryo recipient cows needed to be up there, but because Nebraska Bull Service is on central time, he didn't get them called until after hours. When they returned his call this morning, we were getting ready to go into the doctor's office for our daughter's sixth month check-up and shots. He gave them the dates of her heat cycle, and after they did some figuring, they informed him that the recipient females needed hormone shots TODAY in McCook, Nebraska.
At that point, the twitterpation started. Brian was no longer focused on our daughter being in the 97th percentile in weight (chunky monkey!) or how many times the poor little thing was being stuck. He immediately got on the phone to his dad to organize trailers and the rounding up of the help. The animals didn't have all the paperwork for crossing state lines filled out so he hurriedly called the vet. The vet informed him that she had all the shots they would need for today if he wanted her to give them, but he needed to be there by 2:30 central. Of course that seemed like a better idea than trying to get cows in, loaded, and to Nebraska before closing time, but it would need to be slightly more rushed.
As soon as Gracelyn's appointment was done, we rushed for home so Brian could help finish loading up and drive one of the trailers up. Unfortunately, there were problems getting help and trailers hooked up so when we arrived, there were cows still in the pasture and no trailers in sight. After pacing a hole through the carpet, they finally arrived two trailers, three trucks, a four-wheeler, and alfalfa bales in tow.
The first set of cows loaded fine and took off for the vet's and only a little late, but the next load wasn't so easy. Grandpa bought a new trailer that they found is higher than the cattle like to step up into so it took pushing, prodding, and a lot of grumbling. The poop and the pee were flying; clothes, boots, and even faces were covered.
I'm not sure what the vet will think when they arrive, but they're on there way!
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