Thursday, June 23, 2011

Like Waking the Dead

My husband can sleep through anything, ANYTHING.  I've seen good sleepers before, but this man should be studied for his ability to snooze right through conversations, babies crying, dogs barking, and trips to the ER.
He snores something awful when laying on his back and last night when I asked him to roll over, his response was "who me?"
No the other snoring man in my bed.  Seriously!  This morning he didn't remember any of this conversation, but that doesn't surprise me.  We have a serious coyote problem, and our outdoor dogs run by our bedroom windows barking their heads off; he doesn't even skip a breath.  Our daughter could have been up several times in the night, and he would tell you she'd slept all night long, but my favorite is the night I had to take my sister to the emergency room.
I had fixed cherry covered pork chops for supper, and Kelli had said it felt like she couldn't swallow.  She was puking up anything she ate or drank after that which was very concerning, but she said it had happened before and always went away so she didn't want to go to the hospital.  She thought she was doing better at bed time so we all went to bed, but about midnight, she was still having problems and knew she needed to have it looked at.  She knocked on our door which sent our inside dog into a frenzy which in turn set her dogs to barking.  I got up, turned on lights, talked to her, and then we called into the emergency room to let them know we were coming.  Brian didn't get out of bed, but I just thought he didn't think he could help. No, no....he was asleep.  I went in to let him know we were leaving; I leaned over, told him.  No acknowledgement.  Shook him and told him we were going to the ER.  Up he jumped! "What? Why?"  Who sleeps through all that racket and lights?

*Kelli was fine.  She had fibers growing around her esophagus which were not allowing food through, but once she had them removed, she was as good as new.

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