Sunday, July 10, 2011

Conversation Overheard

This may be too much information about cattle for some of you, but I thought it was pretty funny.

My husband has a friend who is looking to have a few cows to raise as grass-fed beef.  He was wanting to buy six cows and have them AI'd (artificially inseminated) so he could sell the calves. The friend called Brian to ask what it would cost to have it done.  Brian informed him that AI'ing was only like ten dollars a cow, but that the semen could get pricey depending on what bull he wanted to use from.  We had a bull collected several months ago and have the semen stored in liquid nitrogen in the barn so Brian offered to sell him some of our bull's. To that offer, the friend asked, "how much does your semen cost?"  Right at that moment, the friend's wife walked into the room.  Not being around cow breeding lingo very often, she apparently gave her husband a rather creeped out look.  He quickly had to explain what he was talking about.

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