My husband and I have an ongoing battle: how long to go between sheet washings. He'd go a couple of months between sheet washings, and I like to wash sheets once a week. I think during college he washed his sheets once a semester (ewwwww gross), and it's possible he's just telling me that to make me feel better. I love the feel of clean sheets, and if I had enough get-up-and-go, I might wash them twice a week. Every time he heads to bed on a day I've washed sheets, and I haven't gotten around to making the bed, we have to have this argument. Brian would like to compromise on once a month. I've been willing to go every other week, but after that, I'm ready to feel clean sheets when I slide under the covers.
How often do wash sheets? If you're married, is your significant other on board with the amount you wash them?
I wash our sheet once as week, as well, in addition to our children's sheet! I am pretty sure that my sheet washing goes unnoticed by my hubby, because nothing is ever said. I secretly wonder if he thinks a "sheet" fairy comes when nobody is looking and magically makes all of our bedding fresh and clean ;)