Thursday, July 14, 2011

Never Say Never-A Lesson in My Expectations

I learned an important lesson about my daughter, myself, and my expectations towards the end of last school year.  I think about it quite often and wanted to share it.
One day I was having a hard time dealing with my emotions about our daughter having Down syndrome.  I was watching some kids in my classroom do very mediocre work and use very little effort.  I was talking to the para (a person who comes into our classrooms to help students)  in my room about my daughter, Down syndrome, and how frustrated and angry it made me to watch these kids not use their abilities and intelligence the Lord had given them when my daughter would never be able to do some of these things.  The para then said to me, "Never say never; don't limit your child. You don't know what she can do.".  This may not seem so profound; many people say this, but this was different.  This para has a child with a severe disability.  To have this person whose child can't communicate, show love in a "normal" way, and needs constant care tell me that affected me more than I can tell you. As parents, we can be the greatest limitation to our children or the base from which they shoot for the stars.   I think all parents should remember this and expect the most and the best at all times and never limit what our children can accomplish.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice Ann! Even though our daughters limitations are only physical and very mild, it is still hard sometimes to know how badly she wants to excel at sports and how much harder it is for her. But I can tell you,there isn't anything that she won't try and she will try harder than any kid out there! She has a very strong will, because she knows she has to but 120% into it. I remember being so emotional at first too, but she has sure proved us all wrong! Enjoyed your blog. Take Care
    Tina Hickson, WaKeeney
