I'm sure my husband has thought I've been on the brink of losing my sanity before, but last night he thought I'd just fallen right off the edge. I try to keep things picked up and in some sort of order, but I have small house with insufficient storage so organization isn't my strong suit. I'm ok with our disorganization and stacks, but last night I'd reached my limits.
While my husband was in the shower, I was trying to pick up. I had to keep walking around our growing pile of trash that we can't burn because there is a ripe field of wheat within feet of our burn barrel, tripped over the stroller that won't fit in the boot and coverall filled closet, and stubbed my toe on the vacuum that sits right in the way of my washing machine because it has no other home. Then I went into the bathroom where my husband was showering to brush my teeth. Approximately three weeks ago I set three small totes of his in the middle of the bathroom hoping he'd take care of it without me having to nag. Walking around items doesn't bother him so I was the only one going crazy. Reaching for the toothbrush, I knocked over his glass of tea because there was no room to maneuver. That was the last straw. With tea running down the cabinets, I decided to pitch it ALL. I started throwing anything in the way into piles, marching it out to the shed to be taken to the dump, and hauling furniture that takes up too much room to our unfinished basement to be sold later. With a bewildered look on his face, Brian tries to tell me that 11:30 at night is not the time to start a project like this. Then he asked if I'd like to sit down and have a rational conversation as he grabs things from the boxes I was storming by with.
After I had fizzled down, he asked why I'd put the boxes in the middle of the bathroom any way if it was going to irritate me so much. I explained that I though he'd put his stuff away without me nagging if it was in his pathway. His response, "what in our marriage led you to think that?"
I guess I'm back to nagging!
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